DRep Profile



DRep ID:94f7bb25c15f5e4e3a58bb9e8e6b10bfa8c2694f39f282167af35e2c

Cardano日本コミュニティとCardanoのガバナンスの橋渡しを実現したいと考えてます。日本はCardano発祥の地で多くのホルダーが存在し、非常にガバナンス上重要な影響を与える力を持っていますが、技術の障壁および言語の障壁から、難解でついていけてない人が多いです。コンテンツやミートアップなどを通じて、日本コミュニティがガバナンスを理解するのを助けたいと考えています。 I want to bridge the gap between the Japanese Cardano community and Cardano governance. Japan is the birthplace of Cardano, and there are many holders, who have the power to have a significant influence on governance, but many people find it difficult to follow due to technical and language barriers. Through content and meetups, I will help the Japanese community understand governance.


Cardano日本コミュニティとCardanoのガバナンスの橋渡しを実現したいと考えてます。日本はCardano発祥の地で多くのホルダーが存在し、非常にガバナンス上重要な影響を与える力を持っていますが、技術の障壁および言語の障壁から、難解でついていけてない人が多いです。コンテンツやミートアップなどを通じて、日本コミュニティがガバナンスを理解するのを助けたいと考えています。 I want to bridge the gap between the Japanese Cardano community and Cardano governance. Japan is the birthplace of Cardano, and there are many holders, who have the power to have a significant influence on governance, but many people find it difficult to follow due to technical and language barriers. Through content and meetups, I will help the Japanese community understand governance.


Cardanoが数十億人の経済アイデンティティを支えるプラットフォームへ成長していくために必要な投票を行います。また、DRepはあくまで代議員にすぎません。結局のところCardanoの成功には、コミュニティすなわちADAホルダーが鍵です。私はコミュニティ、ADAホルダーがガバナンスを理解できるように最善を尽くし、直接投票者となることを助けたいと考えています。 I will vote as necessary to help Cardano grow into a platform that supports the economic identities of billions of people. DRep is just a representative. Ultimately, the success of Cardano depends on the community, i.e., ADA holders. I want to do my best to help the community, ADA holders understand governance and become direct voters (Rather than delegating to DRep).


公認会計士/DRep行動規範を起草者/ITN時代からのSPO/MCC メンバー/日本Cardanoコミュニティモデレーター/憲法,CIP1694ワークショップの主催/Eestern Cardano Councilメンバー Certified Public Accountant/Drafter of DRep Code of Conduct/SPO since ITN era/Catalyst proposer/reviewer/MCC Member/Japan Cardano Community Moderator/Organizer of Constitution, CIP1694 Workshop/Eastern Cardano Council Member

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Voting History

Set 2025 Net Change Limit of 300M ADA, 2026 Net Change Limit of 250M ADA


As part of the budget approval process, it is necessary to establish a Net Change Limit. This serves as an opportunity for all governance stakeholders to formally express their positions regarding the proposed Net Change Limit, ensuring transparency, accountability, and alignment with organizational objectives. 2025 Net Change Limit of 300,000,000,000,000 lovelace (300M ada) 2026 Net Change Limit of 250,000,000,000,000 lovelace (250M ada) The Net Change Limit beyond 2027 is not defined in this governance action. The Net Change Limit will be used when reviewing both budget actions and treasury withdrawal actions to ensure constitutionality as required by Article IV of the Constitution and the Treasury Withdrawal Guardrails outlined in Appendix I.

03/16/2025, 03:24 PM|Item: 234

Set 2025 Net Change Limit of 300M ADA, 2026 Net Change Limit of 250M ADA


As part of the budget approval process, it is necessary to establish a Net Change Limit. This serves as an opportunity for all governance stakeholders to formally express their positions regarding the proposed Net Change Limit, ensuring transparency, accountability, and alignment with organizational objectives. 2025 Net Change Limit of 300,000,000,000,000 lovelace (300M ada) 2026 Net Change Limit of 250,000,000,000,000 lovelace (250M ada) The Net Change Limit beyond 2027 is not defined in this governance action. The Net Change Limit will be used when reviewing both budget actions and treasury withdrawal actions to ensure constitutionality as required by Article IV of the Constitution and the Treasury Withdrawal Guardrails outlined in Appendix I.

03/16/2025, 02:40 PM|Item: 233

Wargrum - NFT Trading Card Game from MVP To Retail Launch


Wargrum is a Cardano-based trading card game (TCG) where each playable card is minted as an NFT. Players collect cards, build strategic decks, and battle for resource-generating land. A native GRUM token rewards competitive play and supports in-game purchases. By delivering interactive gameplay and true on-chain ownership, Wargrum aims to showcase the potential of Cardano NFTs and strengthen the overall Cardano ecosystem.

03/12/2025, 09:51 PM|Item: 232
Coming Soon!

comments (3)


agree with the sentiment, would like to see more discussions on the specific numbers


agree with the sentiment, would like to see more discussions on the specific numbers


The most democratic mechanism is a relative upper limit with balanced voting power because: Balances the influence of big and small players. It motivates the wider community to participate. It maintains decentralization without completely excluding large players. The second strong candidate is cumulative voting, which promotes more strategic decisions and reduces the risk of manipulation.

Coming Soon!
Voting Power
Registration Date:2/10/2025
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Governance Space on Cardano Blockchain

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