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Name the next hard fork "Sadosky Hard Fork"

7 dislikes
Submitted: 7 Sept 2024, 17:59 UTC (Epoch 508)
Updated: 3 Feb 2025, 17:51 UTC (Epoch 537)


Submitted: 7 Sept 2024, 17:59 UTC (Epoch 508)
Updated At: 3 Feb 2025, 17:51 UTC (Epoch 537)


The Chang+1 hard fork should be called the Sadosky Hard Fork after Argentine mathematician Manuel Sadosky.


Cardano hard forks have traditionally been named after influential figures who advanced freedom, knowledge, and technological progress—values that underpin the Cardano ecosystem. The placeholder name "Chang+1" lacks the inspirational depth that a hard fork of this significance deserves.


By naming it after Manuel Sadosky, an Argentine pioneer in computer science and mathematics, we align with Cardano's legacy of honoring visionary figures. Sadosky’s contributions to Latin America’s technological foundation make him an ideal namesake, especially as the Cardano Constitution is expected to be signed in Argentina around the same time as the hard fork. This connection between a historical figure and a momentous event in blockchain governance reinforces the importance of global innovation. Finally, 'Sadosky' rhymes with 'Hosky,' paying homage to Cardano's beloved mutt and most widely recognized token, blending a nod to the ecosystem’s playful side with a tribute to a figure of profound intellectual impact.

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