Proposal Details

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Governance Action Type

Budget Constitutional Guardrail: 1 item funded per proposal with a clear goal

2 dislikes
Submitted: 6 Sept 2024, 14:35 UTC (Epoch 507)
Updated: 10 Feb 2025, 20:03 UTC (Epoch 539)


Submitted: 6 Sept 2024, 14:35 UTC (Epoch 507)
Updated At: 10 Feb 2025, 20:03 UTC (Epoch 539)


Any budget proposal for a budget expenditure from any of the 5 budget categories must have: a. 1 clearly funded subject b. It must have a clear and defined completion goal or termination point.


Budget proposals that list multiple funded items and multiple goals create confusion in every governmental system ever created. The more complicated proposals get the more things that corrupt people can hide in them.


A core principle of this blockchain is Transparency. Proposals for governance action with reference to budget withdrawals need to be short and clear. In order to improve clarity in the budgetary process and trust in the system we believe budget proposals need to be limited to 1 item and each item must have a clear goal and completion criteria. Another core principle is Decentralization. We need to keep decision making public and in front of the governance body. Hiding multiple subjects in a proposal makes it easier for manipulation to occur. Forcing funding proposals to have a clear goal and termination point is just good practice in governance.

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